Donnerstag, 4. November 2010

Ein warmes Licht...

.... gegen die Dunkelheit und Kälte

Samstag, 14. August 2010

King Henry unfinished

It's going to take me quite some time to finish this one - but I kind of like the way it looks at the moment

Ich bin nur Gast in meinem Grau

This is one from the down-side of life... The german title means something like: I'm just a guest in my gray...
Kind of a reminder that one will not stay on the gray shadow side forever and being a guest she has her bags packed and is ready to leave...

another guardian angel

Sold! Yeaeeee :)

Donnerstag, 15. April 2010

Samstag, 3. April 2010

ich kann den himmel singen hören

marie unfinished

guardian angel

This is a very special piece to me. ever since I can remember I always believed I had a guardian angel, an angel doing everything in it's power to get me on the right tracks, to keep me from wrong, to defend me from whatever this world is up to. I guess in my past I have taken roads deep down under where it couldn't find me anymore, but somehow I managed to get back to the surface again - and there it was - waiting for me, waiting to make things right. And that angel is doing a great job :)

my home is my castle

Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2010




no place like home

great wide open

ah yes... me and the camera

child at heart

I admit, I am THE lousiest photographer ever! I hate taking photos of my work... the colors always come out all wrong and you can't see any of the glitter and shine to them. I should really start taking my time for the photos because on this one you can hardly see anything *lol*